I got to get something off my chest. I don't think that we as Christian understand what a privilege we have in America. We actually have rights as people who are Christians to vote. There are people in other countries who are Christians that would give anything to be in our position. This reminds me of the civil rights movement where my generation and moving forward do not understand the sacrifices that were made so that African Americans and others can vote. We can't take advantage of the gift of freedom.
But sadly I talk to some people who are Christian and are forfeiting the right to vote based on the word of God and just want to vote on what they think is popular. They don't even think about what the word of God says but just look at other things to persuade them to vote for a candidate who approve of things that are clearly against God's word.

Christians? What happened to standing firm on God's word? If you can't handle something as simple as picking someone who wants to keep the Christian standards than how in the world can you be a reliable soldier when the time comes to really fight for righteousness? We read the bible and we wonder how did things get so bad. Well guess how? It's when the Christians sleep on their job. It's when Christian no longer find it popular to stand up for what is right. It's when Christian become lacked and think that they are doing nothing wrong by voting for someone who allow certain things to be accepted. Don't you understand that it's the little by little things that end up big in the future? It's the sorry so called Christians who are relying on the real Christians to do the hard work for them. Each time you get on your knees and pray that the Lord will turn things around what is happening is God is using those who are the true Christians that stand firm on his word to fight to make things happen and than you can sit at home and say thank you Lord for answering my prayers. Yes I am calling you out. I am calling out those Christians who knowingly vote for the candidate that represents Gods law the least, for personal reasons. The reasons should only be one because, in a situation like this, we are no longer African Americans, or Mexicans, or Asians, and most importantly we are no longer sinners but we are Children of God who residents is the Kingdom of Heaven, who follows only one law and that is God's law. That should be your "personal" reason for voting. I'm a Christian and it's not personal, it's spiritual!
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