Thursday, October 20, 2011

FREQUENCY this is my testamony

I mentioned before that I was going to every now an again use some of the writings I've written years ago. Well here is one I wrote back in 2006. This is my testimony.


This is my story.

I can always tell when I am outside the will of God, because things become fuzzy. God's voice in my ear, in my heart becomes fuzzy. I start to question right and wrong, good and bad, good and evil.

I find myself rationalizing bad trying to make it sound good. I lose all spiritual senses. The bible tells us that God named his creation, including good and evil, right and wrong. We have no authority to change what God has made so.

I found myself trying to make wrong, right and trying to make right, wrong. This is a terrible sin and it put me in a place were l lost all spiritual sense. My relationship with God becomes fuzzy and sometimes null and void.

The first time I got caught up in a terrible sin, living in sin, God sent two people to rescue me. I believe that they were prophetess or messengers because they knew things about me and things that were happening in my house that they could not have known unless God revealed it to them. I was outside in public when they stopped me. They knew that I was living in sin, and I had my children mixed up in my sin. They knew I was serving in the Church while I was mixed up in my sin. God sent them to me to rebuke me, to comfort me, and to move me back into his will. He used great force.

I was immediately fine tuned back in with God and my eyes were opened. Bad become bad and good became good. I knew what I needed to do and I got out of that relationship.

It didn't take me long to fall right back into wrong. Once again I tried to rationalize wrong. Once again I put my kids in the middle of this wrong. The worse part about this is I married the wrong again. God told me from the beginning that this was wrong. He sent people in my life to tell me this is wrong. And if the truth be told, he didn't have to send anyone because it was obvious that this was wrong. Once again I rationalized wrong to make it right,(in my eyes). I committed a horrible, great sin. I married wrong! Of course nothing went right. How can this wrong be made right? I became confused. God's words become fuzzy the frequency was off. I kept mixing up wrong with right and right with wrong. I need to hear the fine-tunes of God. I heard wrongs voice loud and clear telling me in my ear how this wrong is so right. Even though it didn't make sense to me, I started to see this wrong in a right point of view. God’s message in my mind was twisted because of my sins. There was so much wrong, so much pain, and so much suffering.

I thank God for my suffering because I knew this suffering did not come from God which means this suffering was not by God but by him.  God is right always.  God is righteous always.

God was always speaking to me it was the frequency that made it hard for me to hear clearly. This time He didn't send two prophetess to rebuke me. I was tired of hurting God. I was tired of hurting my family, I was tired of hurting my friends, and I was tired of hurting myself.

I saturated myself with the word of God. I didn't wait for God to send someone again I went to him. As I started reading the word, things began to become clearer. God's voice in my ear became louder; his voice in my heart began to pound. I started to recognize the difference between God's voice and Satan's voice. I was in the right place to hear the voice of God.

I realize that when I am walking in darkness, things that are wrong seems right to me. I rationalize wrong. I listened to wrong. I followed wrong and my station with God become fuzzier and fuzzier. Wrong began to make sense to me. But, when I made a decision to walk in the word, all of a sudden, light began to shine through. Wrong became very wrong and I wondered how did I get the two confused? The frequency of God's voice became loud and clear, my new eyes were opening. I became confident. I started to rebuke wrong in the name of Jesus and accept it for what it is. I started to embrace right. It doesn't make things easy when you have to do what you have to do, but do it anyway.

I found myself holding back my tongue. I start to love those who clearly hate me. I started watching what I say, how I act, where I go. I started to surround myself with people who are healthy for me, and I for them. I started to recognize all sin, not just big sin and I stayed away from it. I learned how to love others and myself. I learned how important God relation to me is, and that I couldn’t live without his voice. I need that clear frequency. I started to hate sin. The more I Love God the more I hate sin, the more I hate sin, the more I hate wrong.

If you too are unsure of the direction you are going in life, you have lost your frequency with God. Just like a radio, you have to move in the right direction where you can hear the voice clearly.

These are some things that I would like to share that got me caught up in the wrong direction. I hope this will help you if you find yourself in a similar situation:

1.) Do not rationalize wrong. Keep wrong and right in its right place.

2.) Stay in the word daily, never miss a day. Buy something that will help you gain a better understanding of the word. I use the Nelson's Quick Reference Chapt-by-Chapt Bible commentary daily along with the Bible.

3.) Trust God always, trust your faith trust right.

4.) Be obedient. Stay away from things you know will lead to sin. You know your weakness. Develop yourself so that you will be strong against your weakness.

6.) Keep people who don't belong in your life away from you. Don't make friends with people who do not love the Lord and only have the cares of this world. That is how your thinking becomes twisted and things that are wrong seem good to you.

7.) Do well for someone else. If you have a lot of time on your hands the devil would love to keep you busy. Volunteer, do charity work. Keep yourself busy in well doing.

8.) Don't start None, won't be None. Don't start putting things in your heart that don't belong. Don't say to yourself, I'm not going to give 100% to my job or my marriage. Be at work on time. Do what you are paid to do regardless if you feel you are appreciated or not. You represent God at all times. He must be glorified at all times.

9.) Married people, don't act one way in public and another way at home. Don't be a hypocrite. Be kind to one another. Respect one another qualities they have to offer. Appreciate them. You are one unit!  Don't grieve your mate with harsh words; remember you can't take them back. Show your love in all the ways God commanded. Lovemaking is a form of worship. It's the physical way to show how much you love one another you are one unit. Don't neglect the one you love. Learn to put your love in its rightful place. The bible says to love your mate more than you love your children. Remember don't confuse wrong with right. What seems right to a man isn't always right. That is why you need the bible.

I am speaking to Christian people so you know that I am not referring to abuse. If your husband or wife is abusing you, you must leave that unhealthy situation. We weren't always in Christian thinking and we may have gotten ourselves in a situation that was not pleasing to God and married the wrong person. However, if you are married to an unsaved person and you are saved, if they want to stay and there is no abuse, than stay and let God in you shine so bright that they have no choice but to choose God.

10.) Be ye separated from the world. Don't do what they do, don't respond like they respond, don't talk like they talk. Control your tongue. What you say out loud is what is in your heart. When God transform you heart, your tongue will reflect it.

Remember, if you have Christ in you, you don't have to say a word. They, the world, will see God in you. Keep that frequency connection with God. If what you hear is fuzzy. Check yourself. Pray daily for your family, yourself, your nation.

Add on: Isaiah 5:20-2120Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!

MARCH 2th, 2006

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