I made this post on my Google plus. I hesitated to share this on my blog because, when I wrote this, I was full of emotions/hurt. I was pouring out my pain to the church. I decided to go ahead and share this because I need for the church to understand some of the things that are going on with the members of the church and not to ignore it. It is time for the church to actively handle these types of matters appropriately.
I have to get something off my chest. There are too many church folks who are more concerned about ceremonies/church service and not enough about the souls of the people in the church! Most are not even paying attention to the behavior and the treatment (among the members) that are going on in the church. I received a disturbing call (to say the least) from a friend of mines, who said he can no longer go to church because he have been teased and talked about. He's been to different churches but this one hurt the most because just when they called him their brother, came to his home to talk to him, baptized him, are the same ones who distance themselves from him and talked about him when he got too excited during a church outing. They talked about him so bad, that he left heartbroken...once again, another church hurt him. My friend is autistic and he is having a really hard time in his life. (By the way, this month is Autism awareness month; I encourage people to educate themselves on this issue since there is an increase number of a child born with Autism, including my grandson.) He at one point turned to a life of sin because he was not accepted into the church. My brother and I are always in constant contact with him because of his condition and we try our hardest to look after him. He finally got out of the sinful life and started going back to church. Well, two weeks ago he left because the church talked about his behavior. It wasn't violent but he can get excited sometimes. So now he feels like he doesn't belong in any church. I believe that he is right. Unfortunately, I don't know where my friend can go where I know he will not be talked about or mistreated because too many churches are RELIGIOUS and not SPIRITUAL. It hurts my heart to know that he feel that he does not belong anywhere. I have made it my mission to find a place for my friend. It will not be a traditional church but a place where there are people who are like him, "riff raffs in some people's eyes" who love the LORD and who are struggling and just want to worship God in a place where they feel they can fit in and fellowship with other believers. This young man maybe autistic but Jesus died for him too. How dare the people of God mock another brother or sister to the point of making them feel like they do not belong. There are so many people today who do not go to church for that reason and the Christian people don't even care about it. I'm not talking about sinners or lost souls, I'm talking about other brothers and sisters who feel unwanted by the church. I'm talking about people who had a bad past but are living a clean life but the church still mock them. I'm talking about people who have no money and afraid to go to church because they have nothing to wear or nothing to give. I'm talking about people who look different due to illness or maybe deformed. I'm talking about God's children that the holy rollers think they are so above them. Well this is what I have to say to these types of people, EXAMINE YOURSELVES TO SEE IF YOU ARE STILL IN THE FAITH! The Bible says you know who belongs to us by the way they love (show love towards one another). If I had to compare some people by that, well let's just say I don't want too. It is time to change! It is time to wake up! I wasn't always right either but I know now. It is time to be who Christ commanded us to be! It is time for us to be like Him. It is time to stop playing church and playing Christian and be THE CHURCH AND BE CHRISTIANS! Is God doing a work in you? Is God's work complete in you? Check yourself! I just had to get that off my chest and now I am going to find a place where my friend can worship and not be talked about.
I love you; God bless you.
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