Saturday, February 25, 2012


Continuing with love for the month of Feb, I will send an old message I wrote on Dec 2010

Sometimes we as Christians forget that we are to rely on God to teach us how to love. The one place that we can go to for the instruction on love is the 10 commandments that were written out in stone. It was written out, by God's own hands, to teach us how we are to treat one another and how to treat God with love being an "action" word.

This is how you act out love. God gave us the Holy Spirit so that we can obey the law correctly in everyday practical use by applying what we have learned and bring them into action. This is also why those who are unsaved can never know real love because they are not taught what love is and how to love. We were born with sin which made us self centered looking out for numbero uno but love is the total opposite. Love is caring how the other person feels, being your neighbor’s keeper, respecting your neighbor’s property, celebrate and not get jealous of your neighbor’s accomplishments. All these things are included in love. Remember these things and strive to do these things everyday.

As always, I love you and God Bless you.

Angela R. Ingram