Thursday, March 28, 2013


Someone asked me a really great question yesterday; is a blind man's sin worse than the sin of a man that can see? Great question because that is how the world sees it. How is it that someone who is not perfect and who has sinned tells a blind man to stop when they can't stop? Bottom line question is...what makes our sins more forgivable and their sins unforgivable? Well, the answer is simple, JESUS! God did something extreme because the disease called sin that we have is extreme. It took extreme measures for God to deal with the issue of sin. On the cross, God poured out His entire wrath against us and put it on Christ. With His death, Jesus Christ paid in full our debt. With Jesus resurrection, God showed us that He accepted Jesus as the sacrifice for our sins. Our debt has been paid in full thanks to the love of GOD. I was once blind to sin, not knowing that I was an enemy of God by the way that I lived. Not knowing that my destiny was hell. But, once I found Christ, I was able to see the true person that I was, I repented of my sins. Christ came into my life. The Holy Spirit dwells within me and now, that I can see, I know what to do and what not to do. I have discernment. I have spiritual judgment and I have authority, by the Holy Spirit, to judge sin so that I will not fall into it. I now know what it means to live a life that is holy and acceptable to God. Now, because I still have this flesh that I am daily at war with, there are times that I will mess up. But I not only have the Holy Spirit that corrects me and get me back on track; I also have someone in heaven, Jesus, who is my direct mediator. God also places people in my life to help me if they see me fall. I have pastors, people that I can call brothers and sisters because those who are in Christ are my brothers and sisters. And most of all, because I have the Holy Spirit, I am sealed until redemption. A person who is blind only have his own judgment and the world to go by which is all the things that are against God. Not only does the person sin daily, but the person IS sin. All sin will be punished by perishing forever. So, is a blind person's sin greater then a person that can see? Yes. But it doesn't have to be that way. There is only one way to get to the Father, and that is by the Son. Without the Son, there is no forgiveness of sin. Without the forgiveness of sin, the blind will parish forever, and ever.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


 Why is it that some people are born gay and some are not? Why is it that some people are more flamboyant than another? Why does it seem that God can get all the other creations right that was made including get our nationalities 100% correct but can't seem to get the gender's straight mixing up body parts with the wrong person? And most importantly, why is it that some people believe this? There is a root to everything. A beginning to everything. If it is clear that God created Adam and Eve and through them (man and woman) were commanded to come together and multiply, then when did people become gay? Who was the first and why? Well, the answer is in the Bible. Paul explains in Romans what happened to man. I will break the verses down for you so that you can see plainly what happened. Romans 12: 18-31 18 God’s anger is revealed from heaven against every ungodly and immoral thing people do as they try to suppress the truth by their immoral living. 19 What can be known about God is clear to them because he has made it clear to them. 20 From the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly observed in what he made. As a result, people have no excuse. 21 They knew God but did not praise and thank him for being God. Instead, their thoughts were pointless, and their misguided minds were plunged into darkness. 22 While claiming to be wise, they became fools. 23 They exchanged the glory of the immortal God for statues that looked like mortal humans, birds, animals, and snakes.***So we see here that in the beginning, humanity knew all about God, not only by word, but by obvious observations of everything that exist tells us that there is a God and that His nature is divine. But, there came a point when some of humanity did not want to worship God anymore, acknowledge Him for all that He has done or follow His rules. To add salt to the wound "sort of speak" they started to create images (Idols) and worship what God created instead of worshiping God who created all things that was made. ***Cont. Romans 24 For this reason God allowed their lusts to control them. As a result, they dishonor their bodies by sexual perversion with each other. 25 These people have exchanged God’s truth for a lie. So they have become ungodly and serve what is created rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen!***So we see here that homosexual acts and other unnatural acts started out as a ritual act to their false gods. This act is man made up, not God made***Cont Romans 26 For this reason God allowed their shameful passions to control them. Their women have exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 Likewise, their men have given up natural sexual relations with women and burn with lust for each other. Men commit indecent acts with men, so they experience among themselves the punishment they deserve for their perversion.***At some point, God gave them what they wanted by taking away what they once had, to know the difference between right and wrong(right is man and woman), and let their lust for each other be who they are (homosexual) so that their wrong will ultimately lead to their total destruction. This is the root to homosexuality. Don't be deceived, no one is born gay. ***Cont Romans 28 And because they thought it was worthless to acknowledge God, God allowed their own immoral minds to control them. So they do these indecent things. 29 Their lives are filled with all kinds of sexual sins, wickedness, and greed. They are mean. They are filled with envy, murder, quarreling, deceit, and viciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, haughty, arrogant, and boastful. They think up new ways to be cruel. They don’t obey their parents, 31 don’t have any sense, don’t keep promises, and don’t show love to their own families or mercy to others. 32 Although they know God’s judgment that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do these things but also approve of others who do them.***It is clear that they knew the rules and they knew the punishment for disobeying the rules. This also tells us that obeying God keeps us from falling into these sinful acts. But, not only have they fallen into it, it possess their mind/thinking. So you see, as a result of some of humanity rejecting God and His ways, they have falling into all kinds of sinful acts.  Now I don't want someone to say, well why is it that homosexuality is always targeted and not the other sins? I want to tell you that I am an equal teacher of exposing all sins. I don't just target one. The reason why today I am focusing on homosexuality is because the greatest sin that someone can make is to deny who God is by lying about who God is. To say that something that is evil is from the hands of God is to call Him a liar, fallible, and a lover of evil. Oh how horrible it will be for those who call good evil and evil good!!! I pray that anyone who struggles with this or any other sin, that they will repent. You can't repent if you don't know that it is a sin. That is why I am exposing sin. We all have our struggles but we must know what to do with it. Give our burdens to God, for he cares for all of us. Obey God and deny the flesh desires. God is faithful to forgive those who sin against Him and repent, turning away from their sins. I love you and God bless you all.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


When we are in the ministry, a lot of times people get tired of hearing some of the things that we (who are no better then anyone else) say because, in their thoughts, they wonder if we are living up to what we preach. They usually wonder this because they are struggling with it (doing the act of sexual immoralities) and assume that, since we are human, we must struggle too and yet we are speaking as if we are perfect. I can understand why they would wonder that seeing how the world is today and all the exposures from ministers and people in the entertainment business who says they are Christians, but their lifestyle shows something totally different. I don't call myself a minister by title but I recognize that I do minister when I communicate with others either verbally or through social network. People want to hear more than what we read from the word but they want to know about the giver of the word as well. So, here is what I had to say to someone who had a question for me:

Someone (who know me and my background) asked me a great question today; how did you escape sexual immorality?

My answer to this person was I substitute my desire for sex for my desire to please the LORD. Being that I am not married, commiting fornication is a sexual and immoral sin. My walk with Christ is extremely important to me so much so that I am willing to suffer physically to please God spiritually. It is more important than anything. The Bible says, the thing that you think about the most, is where your treasure is. God is my treasure for He is always on my mind. Not only is He always on my mind but pleasing Him is always on my mind. There's a post I put up by Benjamin Franklin that says, WELL DONE is better than WELL SAID. How great would my words be if I speak on it only and do not live it? If it means nothing to the hearer then imagine what it would mean to God who is all knowing, all powerful and everywhere at the same time. I use to say to people who talk to me about the word is that "I don't play a Christian, I am a Christian." Part of being a Christian is living a righteous life. It doesn't mean living a perfect life because perfection doesn't take place until we receive our new bodies given to us by God at the end of this world or age. 

I don't take credit (pat on the back) for having the ability to abstain from sexual immorality; it is God that give me that ability thanks to the Holy Spirit. Without Him, I would not be able to be strong enough, smart enough (wisdom, knowledge), be able to address it (counsel), having the fear of the LORD, to fight every day for righteousness.

Because I am not perfect, I may stumble, but I get right back up turning towards God. I can't live in sin and walk with God at the same time. There are some things that God takes control over and there are some things He has given us charge to take over. We have charge over our members (body) to bring it under submission to God's will. James 4:7“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” I am a witness of this, also in 1 Corinthians 9:27GWT says; Rather, I toughen my body with punches and make it my slave so that I will not be disqualified after I have spread the Good News to others. 

So these are things that we have to do to make it possible to walk with God and to live a holy and acceptable life. This is an everyday battle that I face and I can never let my guards down just because some days I am stronger than others. The devil is always looking for a weak moment to attack. I can't keep falling for the same tricks. That would make me a fool. This is why I do not brag about being strong nor will the Spirit approve of me doing that. I am so looking forward to the day when I have my true body, a body that matches with my spirit and soul. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


God had to show me, in a dream today, the log that is in my eye. This log is called pride. I was scamming through the Christian videos to get "encouragement" and "enlightenment" you know all that good stuff and I came across pride. Now, in my hidden selfish heart, my plan was to watch this video so that I can see where people fall under this so that I can have some good back-up. As I am listening, it was not at all what I was thinking I was going to hear. This video was not supposed to be about me...but the more I heard it, the more I kept hearing me. It got to the point where I wondered, how can anyone live and avoid running into this pride that he is preaching about. That would mean that everything I do is driven by pride. Could this really be true? How can I be saved and have this quiet pride dominate me? Maybe this man is over doing it with his message. Well, as usual, God put me to sleep and guess what my dream was about??? The whole dream was stupid, to me, until I woke up and realizes what it was all about and what God was showing me. The dream went from one scene to another so fast where in real life, I shouldn't have been able to keep up but in a dream, each one seems like all day. Each scene showed me acting, responding, thinking with complete selfishness. That's what drives pride. I had an excuse for everything that I was doing but I was being convicted after doing it. These were everyday simple things that I do that are normal (to me) that God was showing me, its pride. Pride had me take the attention off of the people who were doing wrong and put it on me by saying, "I'll be honest, I probably would have done it too". Instead of showing them the way (to God). Pride had me get a woman fired for being rude to me and I enjoyed it for a minute. Instead of forgiving her. Pride had me join a group of people who would accept me because I dare not step out of my comfort zone. Instead of going to all people to share the word of God. With all these things going on in my dream, I realize that pride is easily driving me. Pride makes me silent when I should speak up, and pride makes me speak up when I should be silent. Pride makes me point out others sin that I feel is far worse than me because they made me mad instead of edifying and exhorting them. This is not always but it's enough. If I was edifying or exhorting them, I would give the correction along with encouragement like a parent or a friend does. I am so thankful that God stepped in and showed me where I can understand plainly. I woke up with a bad migraine because so much was going on in my dream and God woke me up abruptly.

This is the thing that God showed me: When we were born, we were born selfish, and self-centered. We were born wanting to eat. Okay, we were born needing to eat but all babies quickly learn that when they want something, they want it now and will scream until they get it. When they get a little older, they know how to throw a "tantrum" until they get what they want. When they are in a store, it doesn't matter what mommy said that she doesn't have the money, they will pout, make a mean face, stump their feet, do whatever it takes until the mom, or dad, changes their mind because the child/teenager do not care about the financial woes, as long as the parent give them what they want. I can go on but we get the picture. Then, we found out about Jesus and become saved. Although our hearts are changing, we still have the flesh. We still know what to do to get what we want and sometimes, without even being conscious of it, we act (nag, pout, give the silent treatment, ignore others pain etc) out until we get what we want, whether it's from our parents, our friends, and our relationships. Our wants come above what they got going on. That is called selfish.

Selfish is the main ingredient in pride. We lie because of pride. Examples: We don't want anyone to know that we are not doing well in life so we will do whatever it takes to cover it up. But a person can only cover themselves for so long because people eventually find out what you are doing. And how can God use someone else to bless us if we continue to cover things up? I'm not talking blasting your problems to everyone but what I am saying is to not try to lie by hiding either. You keep doing it long enough and you will end up becoming someone you never wanted to be. Pride wants us to look low at everyone else so that we can feel better about who we are. There is more but I will not use up all the room on this page. So, what do we do about this pride? Well, first thing is, we must take away all thoughts about what we want and concentrate our attention to what God wants. We must evaluate our life and see if we are pleasing God by the way we live and behave. Our lives reflect God and everthing we do must glorify God. So we must check to see if we are glorifying God in the way we live and in all the things we do. We must be willing to give up and leave behind the things that are not pleasing to Him, even if it means quitting our job, leaving our friends behind who are hindering us, ending a relationship/not marriage, getting rid of things in your home like music, movies etc... that will hinder your walk with Christ. Pride and selfishness will have a major problem doing this but you first must be aware of it and then get rid of it. We want God to bless our lives and our families. He also want to bless us. We have to get off our high horse and become a servant. When you are low (humble), God will lift you up, but when you are high (prideful), God will bring you down. The word of God teaches that pride comes before the fall. I hope what I shared will be a blessing or a help to you. I love you all, have a blessed day.

Thoughts That Have Helped Me Upon Cancer and Death - Bob Jennings

This is very encouraging and inspiring. No one knows the date of their death but this man, whom at the time was dying of cancer, wrote down his thoughts that helped him during that time of his life.

Thoughts That Have Helped Me Upon Cancer and Death - Bob Jennings

Friday, March 8, 2013



The mind is the "gateway" to your heart, and it is therefore essential to guard your thinking by immersing yourself in the truth... Fear comes from believing the lie that God is not in control or is unable/unwilling to help you... "Not losing your mind" therefore means being grounded in what is Real, and it therefore means understanding your identity and provision as a child of God. "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power (גְּבוּרָה / δύναμις) and of love (ἀγάπη), and of a "sound mind" (σωφρονισμός), lit. a "delivered" mind, "healed" from fragmentation (2 Tim. 1:7). The Greek word "sound mind" (σωφρονισμός) comes from the verb sodzo (σῴζω), meaning "to save," from saos (σάος) "safe," in the sense of being under restraining influence of the Spirit of God... NO FEAR, chaverim - whatever may be. Because of Yeshua, "All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well." 

From the Hebrew4Christians