Tuesday, August 21, 2012


My message from facebook 8/21/2012

The Lord said to Moses, “I’m going to send you food from heaven like rain. Each day the people should go out and gather only what they need for that day. In this way I will test them to see whether or not they will follow my instructions. Exodus 16:4 GWT. The great lesson that I am learning is to be grateful for each days blessing rather than focus on what is going to happen tomorrow. Every day that I take my focus off of, to think about tomorrow, is a day lost. If I worry about tomorrow, I would be missing out on today's blessings and being thankful and enjoying the moment today. God tested the Israelite by giving them manna that was to only last for that day. They called it Manna because they didn't know what it was, it was food that came from heaven. They learned about trusting God in that everyday, He will supply their needs. God told them to store up only what they needed for to day and on the 6th day, store up for two days, because the 7th day was a day of rest and a day that is dedicated to Him. The food that God supplied them with was only to last for one day and any that was left over on the ground the next day did spoil. God was always teaching them to trust and obey Him. But, there did come a time when they got tired of the same thing for 40 years God feed them Manna and they became ungrateful. I never want to get to a place in my life where I become bored or tired of God's daily bread and become ungrateful. That would be a terrible sin! Anything that comes from God is good and good for me. As I am going through this phase in my life, God is teaching me that I can depend on Him to take care of me everyday. Each day that I wake up, my needs are supplied. Anyway you bless me LORD, I'll be satisfied. I am so thankful to you LORD for supplying all of my daily needs!

In the verse that was supplied, God gave them something that is needed to stay alive. If we were instructed to only take what we need for 1 day, how much would we be tempted to take more "just in case something happen"? With God, there is n
o such thing as just in case something happen because He is with us everyday. To doubt God's love and care is a great sin. Remember that our faith will always be tested. God want to know how much you love Him. That might sound strange seeing that God knows everything and know how much you love and trust Him already, but He is checking you, proving you, testing you to see how far you will go with Him. The test is not because He doesn't know, the test is to SHOW US what He ALREADY know about us. In other words, acknowledgement on our part. God bless you.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


During times like these where we see senseless killings, earthquakes, and natural disasters, we start to think about the end of the world that was predicted in the scriptures. We want to know who will be the anti-Christ and if he is here now. We start to look up names of people and count the number of letters in their name to see if it adds up to the number 666. There is nothing wrong with being
watchful. There is nothing wrong with reading Revelation. As a matter of fact, Jesus Christ said Himself in ***Revelation1:3 {GWT} Blessed is the one who reads, as well as those who hear the words of this prophecy and pay attention to what is written in it because the time is near.*** Most of us do the reading and the hearing but I don't think we do the pay attention to what is written. We seem to be more concerned about whom the anti-Christ will be instead of paying attention to why all this is going to happen and the blessings and rewards in the end to those who are faithful and obedient. Although Revelation can be hard to understand, God is very straight forward in what He approves and what He does not approve. What He will do to those who disobey and what He will do for those who do obey. How we will see that what He started, He will finish it. With all these things being said, it is so important that we stay in the race, encourage one another, and live a life that is holy and acceptable to God. When we read Revelation, that should be our motivation to continue on knowing that where Jesus is now, there we will be also. That He has prepared a place for us. A place with many mansions. A place that we are laboring on Earth for to receive the greatest reward where we will Sabbath forever and ever in heaven. AMEN!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I had plans to provide a few videos for the end of July but I ended up with a headache the whole day. So, instead of sending the different videos for the end of the month, I will just on different occasions post my favorite videos. For the last video for the month of July, I think it is fitting to dedicate a song called Anyway you bless me, I'll be satisfied. The song is self explanatory. I hope the song will bless you like it has blessed me. As always, I love you and God bless you.