Friday, January 27, 2012


Adding more of God to my daily activities helps me with stress, hurt and sanity. I don’t understand how it works and I can’t explain when it works but I can tell you from experience that it does work. I have hope when everything seems to be going against me. I have boldness to say no to sin. There is a radiant inside of me that won’t allow me to continue to mess up, especially when that sin is a practice conscious sin.  It’s not that I never lose my top or I never sin, but I sin less. I am more conscious of it. It’s funny, when I am weak and want to sin I make sure that I don’t read his word as much because I know his word will convict me and I will have to stop. But, even with that, I still find myself going back to the word and then I am convicted and I stop. I am amazed at how something that is invisible is so real. I can’t tell you what it looks like. I can’t show you proof of this. I can only show by my own actions and even then people may question my loyalty, as far as the reason I changed, it doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t bother me that people don’t understand or don’t believe. I am confident enough where I don’t need people’s approval or understanding to confirm what I know.

I look at atheist and I feel so sorry for them because they can’t experience what I experience and know. I even feel sorry for those who are saved but are not willing to add more of God so that they can make more wise decisions. God does not lead us astray. If you are in his will you can never, ever go wrong. When the Israelites complained, it took them 40 years to go somewhere where it would have taken them 3 days had they not complained but God never left them. They were still protected. There were times when they were punished and some died as a result of their disobedience but like David, I would rather suffer the hands of God who always show his mercy than to be in the hands of the enemy. Only someone who loves God and is confident can say that. An atheist has double the problem because once the enemy is through with them; God will end it by punishing both. God, in the end, will show no mercy to those who do not belong to him. His wrath that he has been so patiently waiting to pour out will be the worst event any human being has ever seen.

It’s amazing to me when I hear people who don’t know God who always want to shout out that God is a loving God and he would never do this or that. They obviously have never read the Old Testament or Revelations. God is love and because he is love he will redeem the saved and punish the unsaved. That is love. His people will live forever and the enemy will suffer forever, that is love. Jesus has not come yet for the second death, which means there is still time for repentance, which is love.

Written 10/02/08 Angela R. Ingram

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