Saturday, April 30, 2016

Wives, honor your husbands

You can always tell when the world has been far removed from God. It is when someone quotes or takes a message from the Bible and people, including Christians, find the message offensive or appalling, trying to correct the messenger.

Once again, Kirk Cameron is trending because of something that he said that applies to the word of God. There's only a few, men and probably women, that can get people all riled up, and it is always those who are not ashamed to tell the gospel truth. Sadly, even the "so called Christians" get upset. I don't want to go too much into this, I just want to point a few things out as to why we seem to have a problem with this. By the way, I did not read the article, I am only going by the topic. This is what everyone seems to be upset about.

“Wives Should Respect Husbands, Not Tell Them How to Be Better” – Kirk Cameron

This applies to those who follow what the word of God says. So in other words, the husband is commanded to love his wife in the same way that Christ loves the church and died for the church. And, in the same manner, the wife is to submit to her husband and obey him. This is the way that God designed marriage. Because we are dealing with humans, it is incomprehensible to consider doing such a thing. We are looking at flawed man and not the perfect God who gave us this command. We'd rather follow our own instincts, mostly lead by life's experiences, past disappointments and the things we have seen others go through, instead of trusting God and obeying His word. And most importantly, most of us can probably say that we did not follow God when choosing our mates therefore we don't trust that our mate will follow God in how he must love us. Think about it, why would a woman have a problem submitting to a man if he treats her like God treats her? A woman who know that she has a man whom is lead by God has no problem with this rule. Instead, they see that by honoring her husband in this way means that she is honoring God. Now, it doesn't mean that the wife has no voice. One example that we can use is Abraham and Sarah. Sarah told him that his first son, by Hagar, must go. Abraham did not tell his wife no, but instead, consulted with God. God told Abraham to do what his wife said. 

During marriage, because of some things that we may face in life that we did not expect, there will come confusion and sometimes conflicts, but everyone must know their role in the marriage. God is responsible for the task of making the husband a better husband/man, not the wife. Sarah called Abraham lord, with the small l. She followed her husband and obeyed him and yet she still had some charge over the house, i.e the maidens. It's important to understand God's will in order to know that, what God commands for us, is for our benefit because He made us and loves us.
God Bless you, Angela R. Grant

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