Monday, July 18, 2011


My ex-husband, God rest his soul...

Oh no, he is not dead but it is true that he need to slow down and rest : ). Being a parent is not an easy job. We think it gets better when they are adults but I think it gets harder because for instance, when they were young, I had a say so in what they do. I picked their schools, their clothes, their church and so on. But, once they are grown, we as parents pray that they will take everything that they have learned and apply it to their adult life. Because he wasn't there while they were growing up he feels that he has to make up for lost time and teach them everything that they need to know about survival. The problem that my ex-husband is having is trusting that they will make good choices and he have a hard time with letting go and letting God...

I spoke to my wise mother and she said something that was so wonderful that I just had to share it. She said that whatever we can not do, we know for sure that God can do it. I said you are right. We should have no burdens because we know that we can talk to our kids and advise them and even help them but we are limited in what we can do for them as adults. We should not worry at all because like my wise mother said, what we can not do which is watch over them 27/7 we know God can do it. There is nothing impossible for God to do so we as parents of a child of any age need to ease up and relax. God got this!

God bless you.

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