Monday, April 20, 2015


We are having more and more discussions regarding gay marriage and gay rights. Now that the United States of America's Presidential election is underway, we are going to be shoved with this topic. 

Today, I want to point out a response that someone posted regarding attending a gay wedding and to also give you my take on the comment. The only reason that I am sharing this is because there are a lot of Christians who may have relatives and even friends, who are gay and may feel that they are doing the right thing by supporting them in this lifestyle. Here's their response...

***I am a follower of Christ. I also have dear relatives and friends who embrace the homosexual lifestyle. I do not feel it is my place to withhold love as well as grace from others. Being in the world and not of the world I would gladly attend a wedding of my gay relatives and friends. I would bless and not curse them. All the while I pray for the release of all who are not fully reconciled to God through Christ. That includes the prayer of intercession for those who sit in judgment of flesh and blood rather than discernment of powers and principalities. For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with powers and principalities with rulers of darkness in this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. There is a distinct difference between celebrating a person through loving support and celebrating their choice. Speak the truth in love does not mean isolating ourselves from the sick and the lost. Isn't that who Jesus expressly purposed to reach? He had quite a few choice words for those puffed up with a spirit of religiosity.***

To tell you the truth, this breaks my heart. It breaks my heart because she really believes that she is doing the right thing. I do not see someone who is just wanting to be straight rebellious, but is trying to find a happy medium in all this (there's no such thing by the way). She is even trying to help us by saying she will pray for those who sit in judgment of the flesh and blood rather than discernment of powers and principalities. The funny thing is...didn't she just say that they embrace the homosexual lifestyle? Why didn't she say her DEAR relatives and friends whom are being influenced by devils? Wouldn't that support her "argument"? She says there's a difference between celebrating a person through loving support and celebrating their choice. What is she celebrating? The fact that the powers and principalities have taken over her relatives? Is that cause for a celebrations??? She says...Speak the truth in love does not mean isolating ourselves from the sick and the lost.  

If she was speaking the truth, she would truthfully tell them that... it is written that only those who follow the will of the Father are my true mother, brothers and sisters. Matthew 12:48 He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”    And, because you have EMBRACED the homosexual lifestyle, I can not support, in any way, the things that are contrary to the will of the Father. That's the truth and she would be showing true love by telling the truth. I told one minister that we can love them to hell if we think that participating in any gay activity is showing them love. 

She says does not mean isolating ourselves from them (sick and lost). So once again she is contradicting herself by saying we should support by participating in our relatives "sickness" and "lostness" (that's right, I made up that word).  It is clear that she was writing a lot of things that she has no understanding of. And, she is hoping that we do not catch on to the fact that she does not understand. And, if the family, who's in sin, truly love us/her, then they should respect our position in how we feel. They should understand that even though we are not going to their wedding,  we love them anyway. If they can't respect our decision, then they don't really love us, right? If we can still love them, they should still be able to love us. For those who don't get that, I will let that one marinate.

Now, of course, we are to minister to our family. And, even if your parents are not saved, it is commanded that we are to honor our mother and our father. There are no rules as to..."only if your parents are doing the will of the Father." Honor means to respect their authority and their position in our lives. God gave us our parents and that we had absolutely nothing to do with picking our parents. Naturally that is. Everyone has a natural mother and father. So that command still stands. Does that mean that if my mother one day say that she is gay and getting married that I should attend that wedding? Absolutely not. I can honor my mother without participating in something that is against the Father's will. As far as the rest of my family goes, I can love them without participating in their evil and that goes for anyone. 

What seems to be the problem with most Christians do we love our neighbors as ourselves if our neighbor is gay? The answer is actually easy if you know the will of the Father. If I were doing something evil and I was unsaved, knowing what I know now, how would I want someone to treat me? I would want them to tell me the truth and that is, I am going to hell if I do not repent. I want them to be totally honest with me because if they truly love me, they wouldn't want me to go to hell. And, if I refuse to repent, knowing what I know now, I would want them to leave me alone (with trying to change me) because we will never agree. (because I know that they will not stop {walking in the Spirit}, if I am caught up in my sin). I want them to do no physical harm to me, and, knowing what I know now, the best way for them to love me is to continue to pray for me, whether I want them to or not. Now, as far as her comment on ... I do not feel it is my place to withhold love as well as grace from others.... Again, it is clear that she doesn't understand what she is saying. How can two walk unless they agree? 

Amos 3:Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Paul reiterates : 

2 CORINTHIANS 6: 14 Stop forming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers. Can right and wrong be partners? Can light have anything in common with darkness? 15 Can Christ agree with the devil? Can a believer share life with an unbeliever? 16 Can God’s temple contain false gods? Clearly, we are the temple of the living God. As God said,
“I will live and walk among them.
I will be their God,
    and they will be my people.”
17 The Lord says, “Get away from unbelievers.
    Separate yourselves from them.
        Have nothing to do with anything unclean.[c]
            Then I will welcome you.”
18 The Lord Almighty says, “I will be your Father,
    and you will be my sons and daughters.”GWT

The last thing that I want to say about all this is, there are Christians, right now, who are losing their lives, literally, for follow Christ. There is real persecution that is going towards the Christians who will not bow down to other gods and who will choose to follow Christ. I find it utterly disgusting and appalling that we Christians, in American, want to be wimpy when it comes to the issue of homosexuality. If you can't stand with Christ here, then how can you...

My prayer for anyone who feel that it is okay to participate in a gay activity. Listen, we all have to make a choice. You can't be a true follower of Christ if something like choosing to participate in a gay wedding, because your blood relatives happens to be gay, is what you are willing to do instead of obeying Christ. It is not a part time assignment, but we are forever bond to God. If you are serious about wanting to follow Christ, please get under a true minister so that you can get the right instructions. I know that it has to be hard, but I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes so that you may understand and I pray that you will have the willing spirit to only have the desires to do the will of matter what.

That's all.

I love you all, God Bless you

Angela R. Grant.

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