Sunday, June 26, 2011


What does it mean to live a Christian life? It means that your walk, talk, and actions meet God's approval. If you do not know God's word than it is impossible for you to know God's will. So many people walk around saying that they are a Christian but will only pick up the instruction manual (BIBLE) on Sunday morning and that is only if they go to church on that day. It is impossible to go to church, listen to the messenger, and think that you have received all that you need to know about living a Christian life. First of all, it is impossible to retain what you have heard and apply it to your life in the correct way.

It's like going to school to study a major. You must read the book first before going to class so that you can follow along and understand what the instructor is saying. This is why we have confused Christian who are unsure about what God considers sin. The Bible is very specific on what God love and what God hate.

Being a Christian takes 100% effort on our part. Meaning even though God Himself lives on the inside of us and is always instructing us and guiding us but it is up to us to follow, listen, learn, read, and APPLY it to our living. It is not easy because we still have this old flesh that wants to take over.

I recently decided to make a genuine effort to becoming a better Christian daily. I am self centered by my sinful nature so to brake that cycle I have to do the opposite things, meaning putting others first. It doesn't mean neglecting myself because I will be taken care of because God will see to that, but I have to put it into action changing my selfish ways. One way I did this is by taking members who do not have transportation, home after church service and if we had special outings, I would pick them up. I ended up enjoying it by having wonderful conversations and hearing testimonies that lift me up. If there is a friends, family or even those I do not know personally that is in need of something, If I have the ability to get it, I will just buy it for them because I love them. I recognized my short comings and I am making a conscious effort to change it. A conscious effort to be more and more like Christ.

What would you like to share on this subject.

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