Sunday, June 26, 2011


I want to say thank you to my family and friends who have prayed for me after my accident on last Saturday. I know that it's because of the praying saints that I am getting better and better. I want to thank Alecia Fowler for being so generous and selfless by offering to take me to where ever I need to go. Thank you for reminding me time and time again that I can not speak defeat for I am blessed. You will stop it before I can finish my sentence. You have always, always been there for me and I love you so much for being a true best friend!!! Thank you mom, Billy and dad for helping me last week using your gas and time to help me. I love you so much!!! Thank you Jessica, my daughter, for being home helping me and checking on me often to make sure that I am ok. You even had your friend take me to get my things out of my car yesterday and I thank you for that. Thank you for cooking and asking me often if I need anything from the store. I love you so very much!!! Even the pictures I received of baby Shyla helped take some of my pain away. She is such a precious little girl. She is a gift. I want to thank everyone else for your prayers because I know you have been praying for me. Prayers are just as important as a matter of fact more important than being there physically for me because your prayers are put into physical action by God. I love you all!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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