Monday, August 8, 2011


Still speaking from my heart only: It has to be said.

Note: when I say speaking from my heart, I don't mean going away from what God says, I mean that I am not using Bible verse references but I am speaking on what the word of God says to do like a counselor. I just wanted to make that clear. But when I get to the actual series on building relationships that it will be the Word of God verse for verse reference.


If you want to know what love is, you got to know God. Because sin entered into the world due to one mans disobedience, we are all born selfish. Selfish is the opposite of love. The Commandments was given to teach man what love is and how to love Him and each other.

Relationship between God and man: me speaking

When we are disobedient to God, we are ruining our relationship with Him. How can you have a walk with God when you are walking in the wrong direction than where He is walking? He leads us to righteousness and we are walking towards sin. Two opposite directions. When that happens your frequency with the Holy Spirit is off. You have a hard time hearing Him. You cry and pray and say Lord I need an answer from you and I am getting nothing. Well, that is because you don't want to hear the real answer. You can't handle the real answer so you keep asking and you keep praying until you hear the words you want to hear. You want God to approve your sinful relationship. You want God to approve your disobedience. You want God to want what you want instead of you wanting what God want. That is not how this relationship thing works.

This is why it is so important for me to do this. You must hear God and He speaks through His word. Listen to what the Spirit is saying to you.

That was in my heart to say, I just had to point that out because again, what I am going to reveal is all scriptural and you may not like it because you are use to hearing things one way but I am here to tell the truth AMEN. I am here to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, even when it hurts me and it will.

***In case someone read this post earlier, you will see that I did a whole lot of editing with this 2nd one because the things that I put down was so hard and strong, it has to be backed up by the word of God so I am going to wait and add the rest during the actual series on building relationships.***

I love you all, God bless you.

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