Monday, August 22, 2011

PSALM 119:109

When I saw this picture I said to myself that I have to use it for my next blog. What I love about this verse is that he is saying God's word is giving him instructions step by step where to go and also in making the right decisions in his life. Without the word, there is no instructions on where to go and the opposite would be to try to find your way through in the dark.

It only takes one small decision without God to lead you to years of sadness, burdens, and pain. Usually when that happens we try to clean it up our way, without God, and end up on the road that leads to destruction. These are things that happen when we go by our own will.

Now if we were to follow the instructions of the Bible, one small decision with God will take you to  Joy, protection, and your destiny. When this happens, you will end up straight to your blessings here on earth.

The choice should be easy. If you want to have a life full of promises and blessing and joy, just to name a few, than do not make one iota decision without going to God. And joy doesn't mean everything is going perfect in your life. Some people will have trials and tribulations as a result of following Christ because of persecution from others. But, you can still have joy, because it do not come from man or circumstances, it comes from the Lord and from knowing the Lord. You will also receive your blessings. It comes in different forms and of course, when you follow Christ, you are following your destiny that was set by God.

God bless you and I love you.

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